European LPG

Following CIF Large Cargoes assessments for both Propane and Butane in North West Europe, true to the General Index philosophy, our focus is on providing low-cost, high-quality LPG benchmarks that follow market-accepted methodologies enabling easy adoption.

Europe’s geographical position provides import and export opportunities to the US and Asia with its wide customer base including petrochemical producers, gasoline blenders and fuel distributors.


The GX European LPG module will benefit the following groups of market participants:

General Index Petrochemical Icon
Petrochemical producers – maximising inventory levels and feedstock yields using daily pricing information
General Index Term Lifters Icon
LPG spot traders and term lifters – tracking daily prices used in spot trading and term contracts
General Index Gasoline Icon
Gasoline blenders – tracking daily butane prices for inventory economics ahead of blending season
General Index LPG Icon
LPG fuel distributors – keeping up with spot trading to help inform downstream contracts
General Index Refinery Icon
Refineries and equity holders – remaining informed about key price changes and market fundamentals

GX is also listed as a pricing option in the Propane NWE large cargo spot contract.

Market participants can choose GX to price their CIF large prices for trading 'ToTs'.


Key price assessments (see below)

Market insights -
details of General Index pricing logic to maintain transparency and neutrality, framed by larger fundamental viewpoint of oil markets

Relevant swaps data

Delivery and key prices

The data is published daily (subject to General Index holiday calendar) and made available to its subscribers via direct data feeds and emails to its customers. All prices are published in USD/MT.

Technical details can be found in the relevant factsheet.


Propane NWE CIF Large Cargoes
Daily market spot value of Propane in North west Europe
Butane NWE CIF Large Cargoes
Daily market spot values of Butane in North West Europe
Propane CIF NWE Cargo Swaps
Daily value for relevant month propane swaps
Propane CIF NWE Cargo Swaps BOM
Daily value for relevant month propane swaps
Ratio of Butane NWE CIF Large Cargoes to Naphtha NWE CIF Cargoes
Daily ratio of physical butane cargoes in North West Europe to physical naphtha cargoes
Ratio of Butane CIF Barges to Naphtha NWE CIF Cargoes
Weekly ratio of physical Butane cargoes in North West Europe to physical Naptha cargoes
GX North Sea Index (GINS) Propane
Monthly assessment based on the GX Propane NWE CIF Large Cargoes Index
GX North Sea Index (GINS) Butane
Monthly assessment based on the GX Butane NWE CIF Large Cargoes Index
Propane NWE FOB Seagoing Coasters
Reflecting the propane coaster market, loading on a FOB basis in NWE
Butane NWE FOB Seagoing Coasters
Reflecting the butane coaster market, loading on a FOB basis in NWE
Butane NWE CIF Seagoing Coasters
Reflecting the butane coaster market, loading on a CIF basis in NWE
Butane MED FOB Seagoing Coasters
Reflecting the butane coaster market, loading on a FOB basis Lavera, with other ports being normalised to a Lavera basis


Naphtha NWE CIF Cargoes
Delivered naphtha cargo market in North West Europe
Naphtha NWE FOB Barges
Reflects the naphtha barge market in North West Europe
Naphtha MED FOB Cargoes
Freight netback and reflects the naphtha cargo market in the Mediterranean region
Naphtha MED CIF Cargoes
Freight netforward and reflects the delivered naphtha cargo market in the Mediterranean region

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