powered by General Index

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General Index's oil & refined products pricing.
General Index compliance
Regulated benchmark administrator
Trusted by 3k+ users
Crude oil
daily energy prices
General Index containers
General Index desktops
General Index data
data contributors
Trusted by
General Index and BeZero
Our partnership
In 2024, Bloomberg partnered with General Index to power {BOIL<GO>} - providing 450 key oil & refined product prices. In addition to prices on the terminal, customers can access General Index data for enterprise use via Bloomberg Data License and Bloomberg’s real-time market data feed, B-PIPE.
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What's included?
More data available
as part of {BOIL<GO>}
  • ~450 prices across key regions, grades and products from crude and refined oil markets
  • New functionality on the Bloomberg Terminal - search by key criteria or browse the full General Index catalogue
  • Data available across North America (US and Canada), Europe, Middle East and Asia
Compliant & ethical
  • Indexes based on data from over 170 vetted data contributors, based on thousands of daily trades
  • Compliant with IOSCO and UK / EU Benchmark Regulation
  • Transparent and objective methodology, rather than a "black box" full of surprises (like traditional price reporting agencies)
Straight-forward pricing
and licensing
  • Desktop access for existing Terminal users
  • Data License & B-PIPE deliveries require General Index license
  • Low use, single, multi or global enterprise licensing options
How do Bloomberg users use General Index data?
General Index trading icon
Commodities traders
Traders use our data to inform their trading decisions across multiple commodities and are referenced in contracts (in physical and derivatives).
General Index portfolio manager
Portfolio managers
Managers of funds that invest in commodities and energy stocks use our pricing data to manage their portfolios more effectively.
General Index research
Quantitative analysts
Quants feed their AI models with our data to analyze financial markets, using historical data and forward curves.
Equity research
Equity research teams use our data to model revenue projections and earnings estimates - as well as understanding the impact on GDP and inflation.
General Index petrochemical
Energy analysts
Energy analysts in financial services analyze pricing trends, supply and demand factors and market conditions using our data.
General Index risk
Risk managers
Risk managers use our historical data to understand price volatility to manage exposure in commodities markets.
Comprehensive coverage of key markets
Select an industry
Crude oil
Key crude grade price assessments for Europe, Americas, Middle East and Asia. Including Dated Brent, Forties, Ekofisk, WTI, Dubai, Oman, OSPs & ESPO.
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General Index LPG refinery
Refined products
Daily benchmarks for Europe, Americas, Middle East and Asia. Including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, naphtha, gasoil, propane, and butane.
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General Index marine fuels
Marine fuels
Port-delivered marine fuel prices for 500+ bunkering locations in Europe, North America, Africa, Middle East and Asia - based on a historic dataset of 40,000+ data points.
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Biofuels facility
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) production prices & biodiesel spot prices covering a range of methyl esters.
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Trusted by market leaders
“With geopolitical volatility and soaring energy prices, there is strong demand among investors for reliable, transparent commodity pricing data. Through GX, Bloomberg is delivering high quality oil spot data.”
Emilie Gallagher, Head of Commodities
Emilie Gallagher,
Head of Commodities, Bloomberg
“As a leader in commodity data distribution, our partnership with General Index ensures we are responding to the market; providing critical information that is affordable to all our customers and their differentiated needs and requirements.”
Andrew Toumazi
Andrew Toumazi
Head of Commodities, LSEG

Low Use

  • Single user
  • Single Cust
  • Limited access - single EID


  • Single enterprise application
  • Up to 10 users
  • <3 Custs
  • Unlimited access to all 400 BOIL tickers

Multi Enterprise

  • Multiple enterprise applications
  • Up to 20 users
  • >3 Custs
  • Unlimited access to all 400 BOIL tickers

Global Enterprise

  • Global multiple applications
  • >20 users
  • Unlimited access to all 400 BOIL tickers
  • 2000+ additional GX indexes

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