Refined Products

Our US and European refined product indexes comprise of the most liquid grades for gasoline, jet fuel and diesel.
EUROPEAN REFINED PRODUCTSGeneral Index, European Refined Products
Daily price indexes for North West European and Mediterranean refined products. The indexes comprise the most liquid grades within the light distillate, middle distillate and fuel oil markets and reflect standardised barge and cargo volumes as typically traded in the spot market.
US REFINED PRODUCTSGeneral Index, US refined storage tanks
Daily price indexes for North America refined products. The indexes comprise the most liquid grades within the light distillate, middle distillate and gasoline markets and reflect standardized barge and cargo volumes as typically traded in the spot market.
The indexes comprise the most liquid grades within the jet fuel, gasoil and fuel oil markets and reflect standardised cargo volumes as typically traded in the spot market.